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fredag 25 juli 2014

Inositidiaineenvaihdunnan ongelmallinen ydinentsyymi PI3K

Mol Cell Biol. 2014 Jul 21. pii: MCB.00920-14. [Epub ahead of print]
Uncovering the PI3Ksome: 
 Phosphoinositide 3-kinases and Counteracting PTEN 
Form a Signaling Complex with Intrinsic Regulatory Properties.

Tiivistelmä, Abstract

  •  Fosfoinositidi(PI) lipidin PIP3 tuotanto  luokan I  PI3K entsyymeillä on pääasiallinen signalointimekanismi, minkä  säätelyn suistuminen osaltaan vaikuttaa vakavia tauteja mm syöpää. 
Production of the phosphoinositide lipid PIP3 by class I PI3Ks is a major signaling mechanism whose deregulation contributes to serious diseases including cancer.
  •  Uudet löydöt osoittavat, että tyrosiinikinaasireseptorin osallistuminen  johtaa  PI3K hetero-oligomeerien kompleksin kokoontumiseen, jossa PI3Kalfa ensin aktivoi PI3Kbeetan ja sitten PI3K katalyyttinen aktiivisuus edistää PIP3:n rekrytoimista ja aktivaatiota  ja  poistaa  vastavaikutuksen, jonka   PTEN tuumori suppressori tekee. 
 New findings suggest that tyrosine kinase receptor engagement results in the assembly of hetero-oligomeric PI3K complexes in which PI3Kα first activates PI3Kβ,
and PI3K catalytic activity then promotes recruitment and activation
 of the PIP3-removing tumor suppressor PTEN.
  • Näin PIP3 tuotanto  on hienosäädeltyä sisäsääteisen  PI3K-somin muodostumisella. 
Thus, PIP3 production is fine-tuned through formation of an intrinsically regulated 'PI3Ksome'.
Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2004 Aug;37(2):449-71.

The role of phosphoinositide-3 kinase and PTEN in cardiovascular physiology and disease.


Phosphoinositide-3 kinases (PI3Ks) are a family of evolutionary conserved lipid kinases that mediate many cellular responses in both physiologic and pathophysiologic states. Class I PI3K can be activated by either receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/cytokine receptor activation (class I(A)) or G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) (class I(B)). Once activated PI3Ks generate phosphatidylinositols (PtdIns) (3,4,5)P(3) leading to the recruitment and activation of Akt/protein kinase B (PKB), PDK1 and monomeric G-proteins (e.g. Rac-GTPases), which then activate a range of downstream targets including glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), p70S6 kinase, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and several anti-apoptotic effectors. Class I(A) (PI3Kalpha, beta and delta) and class I(B) (PI3Kgamma) PI3Ks mediate distinct phenotypes in the heart and under negative control by the 3'-lipid phosphatase, phosphatase and tensin homolog on chromosome ten (PTEN) which dephosphorylate PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) into PtdIns(4,5)P(2). PI3Kalpha, gamma and PTEN are expressed in cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells where they modulate cell survival/apoptosis, hypertrophy, contractility, metabolism and mechanotransduction.
Several transgenic and knockout models support a fundamental role of PI3K/PTEN signaling in the regulation of myocardial contractility and hypertrophy. Consequently the PI3K/PTEN signaling pathways are involved in a wide variety of diseases including cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, preconditioning and hypertension. In this review, we discuss the biochemistry and molecular biology of PI3K (class I isoforms) and PTEN and their critical role in cardiovascular physiology and diseases.

Siis  PI3K tuottaa - nyrkkisääntönä-   PIP3  bulk ainesta ja metabolisia seikkoja
PTEN  koettaa  tehdä siitä  soveliasta  PIP2muotoa , joka olisi edullisessa muodossa PI(45)P, ja siitä saataisiin IP3 signaalisysteemiin tärkeää kalsiumia herisyttävää  funktioille olennaista ainetta.

Jollain tavalla tässä  vaikutata kuin PTEN hommat olisivat hyvin heikoilla kantimilla ottaen huomioon, miten helposti  kinaasit tekevät  bulk-lipidiä.

Miten PTEN on  genomissa niin pienillä kantimilla??? Mikä ihme tässä on?

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